‘I don’t sing for money but to win souls’

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Gospel musician, Evangelist Dorcas Awolumate, in this interview with theeditorial.ng revealed that her primary mission is to win souls for Christ with her melody and not to make money or fame

Tell us about your music career?

The gospel music career officially started in the year 2013 even though I have been in teen choir since I was 10 years old. Thereafter, I graduated to adult choir, but DAMM officially started in 2013

How fulfilling has gospel music been to you?

Actually, I’m not bothered about the monetary aspect of it because that has not been one of my core beliefs. But with respect to honorarium, even though we might not be as financially dependent as those in the secular music industry, we have to underpants that our callings are different. One major difference between secular and gospel is that, not only are they entertainers, their major goal is to make money while gospel artists are not called to search for money but to preach the gospel through music. Don’t misunderstand me; if I am given money as an honorarium after ministration, I’m not going to reject it. I will definitely accept it as part of the blessing attached to preaching the gospel. But I do not go out of my way to request for an amount before my ministration is scheduled to be.

How have you combined family responsibilities with your career, without one affecting the other?

They are two important assignments that must be handled with care or I will say ministries that must not affect each other, but God has been helping out.

How supportive is your husband to your music career?

That is a great question, but I will tell you that if not for my husband’s unwavering support, there will not be Dorcas Awolumate Music. My husband has not for once stopped me from going for ministration. With respect to outside the community, he has been challenged by people as to why he allows me staying two months outside the country and he wasn’t there. But his response was “will I stop her from doing the work of God”? So I have his support always.

What has been your greatest challenge?

The greatest challenge I’ve ever faced is in the aspect of acquiring instrumentalist. They are not helpful at all. They demand for the money that you were not given.

Why do you think gospel musicians lose focus?

Well, I can say there could be a number of factors responsible for this, It ranges from family support, financial backing, staying on the course, inability to balance family responsibilities with their calling, just to mention a few.

Nowadays, it seems that ‘the world’ has mixed up with gospel music. What is your view on this?

The world is not creeping to gospel music, I will rather say gospel musicians are the ones creeping into the world. They have mixed things up to the extent that you don’t even know what you’re listening to in the gospel music of today.

How has your husband career assisted you in your ministry?

Actually it is a great privilege, because his professional career has been a blessing to my calling. It has really helped the ministry, I always tap from his knowledge to make certain decision that affects the ministry positively.

Can you say you are fulfilled in this ministry?

To the glory of God, I can see myself still standing in the Lord and not deviate from my calling, still preaching the gospel through music, bringing people to the kingdom, and telling them the good tidings which is Jesus.

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