By Isa El Buba
The two most disadvantaged groups in Nigeria’s representational politics are northern Christians and Southern Muslims. In Nigeria’s internal geopolitics, these two groups are structurally invisible, politically subjugated, and told to be content with their political and symbolic marginality”.
“Good” Northern Christians are thought to be those who subordinate their Religious Identity. In some meetings in the North some Christians don’t mention Jesus while praying just to please their Muslim friends.
One thing with the Muslims in the North of Nigeria is that you can’t believe them hook line and sinker.
Nigerians do not understand the Northern Muslims. This group do not want to lose out. A Muslim from the South picking a Christian from the North as Vice President they believe they will lose out politically. Because they don’t even trust the Yoruba Muslim. They are the only true Muslims, descendants of Uthman Dan Fodio. Therefore, it is either they are the President, or they must deputise for whoever is President period. They convince you and everyone else that they have the numbers to make that happen.
The century long Propaganda by the colonial Masters and the Muslim Northerners who control the media in the North made the world to believe Christians in the North are insignificant, maybe 95% Muslims to 5% Christians. The Nigerians in the South and Middle Belt have believed this.
Many Southerners never believed there were indigenous Christians from Borno State until the Chibok girls Kidnapped were 90% Christians, indigenous to Chibok in Borno State.
Population statistics in the North of Nigeria.
Northern Christian
1) North East:
Adamawa State is 60 per cent Christian.
Taraba State is 70 percent Christian (The Muslims here fear the Christians who do not take any disrespectfully (sic) lying down).
Gombe State is 40 per cent Christian (It could be more).
Borno State is 30 Per cent Christian.
Bauchi State is 20 Per cent Christian.
Yobe State is 20 per cent Christian(it could be more).
2) North Central
Benue is 95 per cent Christian.
Plateau State is 90 per cent Christian.
Nasarawa State: The two largest ethnic groups are: Eggon, the largest ethnic group that is 80 per cent Christian, and Mada, which is 90 per cent Christian, Others are in the least of 65 per cent Christian. Nasarawa has a lot of animists even in LGAs near Abuja the FCT.
Kogi State is 60 percent Christian: Igala is 70 percent Christian, Okun is almost 100 percent Christians, while in Ibira Land Christians are 30 percent.
Kwara: Christians are 40 percent (it could be more).
Niger: 40 percent Christian (High number of animists in Niger especially among the Dukawa People in Rijau LGA of Niger State).
North West:
Kano: 10 per cent Christian (It could be more with a very high population of Igbos who have been part of the driving force of commerce there for decades).
Katsina is 20 per cent Christian (Christians could be up to 40% in Katsina, many indigenous Hausas in Katsina call Maguzawa are Christians).
Sokoto is 5 per cent Christian.
Zamfara is 20 per cent Christian.
Kebbi State is 30 per cent Christian (High number of animists and Idol Worshippers exist in Kebbi especially among the Zuru and Dukawa people in Shanga LGA and around Yauri)
Kaduna State is 55 per cent Christian (this population has been systematically thinned out under the watchful eyes of El-Rufai).
Many villages in the Northern parts of Nigeria are predominantly Christian or animists (why do you think there have been incessant attack in the North West since the past 8 years?). Yes, the big cities are overrun with Muslims, but the hinterland harbours a remnant of Christianity.
Many big Mosques are empty in the villages, nobody prays inside. Usually only the village head and his family are Muslims under the payroll of Government, but the others are Christian or animists. When you ask some of the villagers they say the Muslims came from Government house through their traditional ruler and built the mosque believing one day all the villagers will convert to Islam and worship in the mosque. That is why they built the mosque and you a stranger will think the entire village are Muslims.
The Middlebelt is not less than 50m People. If Kaduna alone can have about 3 million Christians by 2006 census according to LGAs, the entire Northern Nigeria should have not less than 60 million Christians.
Why is the northern Christian silent?
*1) Wrong Training.*
A Northern Christian boy is trained to be quiet ,while a Northern Muslim boy is trained to speak out from Quranic school. With the whip, the Mallam makes the silent one talk, be bold and tough . Many Northern Christians are made to believe there is honour and dignity in keeping quiet while injustice glares you in the face.
*2) Fear:* Many Northern Christians ask you to keep a low profile and be silent, don’t put your family in danger.
*3) Timidity:*
You have to respect Government even in injustice. Northern Christians believe Government cannot be spoken against even when they are wrong. The Bible says Pray for Government.
4) Many Northern Christians are selfish.
They are self centered and if they can provide for their families, everybody else should go to hell.
*5) Inferiority Complex:*
Northern Christians, for centuries have been marginalised and persecuted by Northern Muslims therefore inferiority complex has set in. Many feel they cannot aspire for anything in life without the help of a Muslim.
*6) Northern Christian Elders and politicians have not helped matters.* The youth look to them for direction but never get a clear directive.
*7) Northern Christians have a Slave Mentality.*Many see the Northern Muslim as a superior specie since he strolls about with confidence even in a foreign land.
The Christians in the South are totally ignorant of the Northern plots and are also so self centered, the South has all the resources that is required to change the narrative and now is the time to team up with the Christian North and recapture the soul of Nigeria.
Sir, with deep pain in my heart, we have to work at changing this reality. This is the reason for my state tours and visit.
Christians as a whole in Nigeria appear to be unnecessarily afraid and weak, we thank GOD for the few reawakening and more needs to be done in the next few weeks .
Prayers and actions must go hand in hand. Christians must step forward, speak their minds and stand for their rights or die second class citizens in their own nation, it will cost us a lot of fortune but is worth paying the price.
Christians must have one voice or perish. The Church leadership has failed in the past but has one last chance to be bold and redeem the nation, it’s not about a party now but about the candidate that we will back up, not a Muslim but a Christian candidate from the South.
We must rise and contend with them fire for fire, this is our best and almost last chance to rewrite history and make Nigeria great again spiritually and politically.
Today the initiative for better and brighter Nigeria has been able to break into most of the strongholds and more should be done to mobilize Nigerians behind one Christian candidate.
This is the reason I have decided to confront the Northern powers at the risk of my life and family but it’s a fight that must be fought.
Prophet Isa El-Buba is the General Overseer of the Evangelical Outreach Ministries International, with headquarters in Jos, Plateau State and the article was culled from ThisDay