Fake miracle claims meant to distract one from winning souls to God’s kingdom — Dr Chris Okafor

Dr Chris Okafor, founder of the Grace Nation Church International, Lagos, has had to deal with talk in certain quarters that the miracles of healings, breakthroughs and deliverances which God does through his ministry are fake.
According to him, in over 20 years of active ministerial work, he has lost count of the occasions where he has been called a false prophet by those who do not understand the operations and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
He adds that he has since learnt to draw inspiration from the life of Jesus Christ, the head of the church — his Principal — who was also persecuted in like manner, every step of his ministry on earth.
“Jesus was also called a false prophet by the very people he was sent to save,” Dr Okafor said while expounding on the message, ‘The Language Of The Spirit: Voice Of Thanksgiving’ in a recent Sunday service.
“You remember His encounter with the Scribes in the book of Mark chapter 3:22-27.
“Not being able to comprehend how he wrought incredible miracles, signs and wonders, his traducers simply said he was of the devil. That he cast out demons by the spirit of Beelzebub that was in him!
“Of course, he did take an exception to that accusation because He saw it as a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit — a sin He said was unforgivable.
“However, He still made them see the incongruency of their logic, maintaining that no demon could cast out a demon.
“In the book of John 8:48, Jesus was also accused by His own people, the Jews, of having a demon in Him.
“Again, look at what happened in the book of John chapter 11 concerning Lazarus. In verse 4 of that scripture, Jesus had said, ‘This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it,’ in response to the news of Lazarus’ terminal ailment.
“But Lazarus still ended up dying despite Jesus’ prophecy. Now, did that make Jesus a false prophet?
“But those who did not understand the full meaning of his earlier response would easily write him off as fake.
“So, I have learnt to pay less heed to such accusations because they are mere distractions meant to derail one from his core objective of winning souls to God’s kingdom.
“Besides, I am also consoled by what Jesus, the Master Himself said in John 16:33. It says, ‘These things I have spoken to you, that in Me, you will have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’
“Any true christian who, therefore, understands the truth of what Jesus said is unlikely to be caught in the web of arguments about whether the move of God in his life or ministry is devil-induced or not,” he added.