Glitch: We’ll restore your debts, MTN tells subscribers

MTN Nigeria has said the debts of its subscribers erased as a result of technical glitch will be restored.
The system error affected balance inquiries and prompted erroneous messages indicating that subscribers’ debts had been cleared.
Celebrations erupted on social media platforms as customers believed they had received an unplanned reprieve from their financial obligations to the company.
The event occurred without prior notice from MTN Nigeria’s office to customers.
However, in a statement, MTN Nigeria said the removal of debts in subscribers’ accounts was a malfunction.
But the company clarified that customers’ balance was affected by a system glitch impacting balance enquiries.
“MTN Nigeria Communications Plc can confirm a system glitch impacting balance enquiries. As a result, some customers may receive error messages showing that their balances have been cleared,” the network provider said.
“This is not the case and all balances will reflect accurate figures once the problem is resolved. Our engineers are currently working to ensure this.
“Please accept our apologies. We regret the inconvenience,” the statement said.