SS1 student dies saving worshippers from suicide bomber in Maiduguri

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A first year senior secondary school student stopped a suicide bomber from entering a Jumaat mosque Friday and sacrificed his life to protect his fellow worshippers.

The incident happened in Kaleri Maiduguri, Borno state.

A Twitter user, @sadiqkurbe, who shared the incident on the microblogging site said the brave student did everything he could to prevent the bomber from gaining access to the mosque.

“He was a teenager bubbling with life and hope for a better tomorrow. He was an SS1 student in Kaleri Maiduguri, Borno State. On Friday, he sacrificed his life to save hundreds of others who would by now have become history,

“No thanks to a female suicide bomber who had wanted to blow them up while at Jumaat. He saw the danger and did everything he could to prevent the bomber from gaining access to the mosque. She detonated and blew herself up with him. But other worshippers were saved,” he wrote.


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